Saturday, May 11, 2024

Gygax & Greyhawk Session #19 - Murder in the Streets of Orlane!


Ranzel of the Wood (Human Ranger 3)
Solcha (Elf Fighter 3 / Magic User 2)
Skeef Hawkridge (Half Elf Druid 3/ Thief 2)
Goro (Half Orc Cleric 3 / Fighter 2)
Wealsun 16 mid-day to Wealsun 16 night 

The party spent some time discussing how they should approach the evening's planned shenanigans, and decided to go to see Zakarias. There they told the reeve what they knew and suspected, and Solcha convinced her charmed friend to call out a handful of trustworthy militia to support the party this coming night in case things got out of hand.  Goro meanwhile sent the snake from his mace into the liveryman's house and told it to hide and wait for later events. 

When they later arrived back at the Golden Grain Inn, they were somewhat surprised to be met by the two clerics, the lovely Misha and the spastic Abramo. Misha proceeded to question the party closely about who they were, their links with the cult, and so on. Once done with the interrogations, she informed the party there was a change in plans for the night. She wanted to show them something in the ruins of the third inn in town, the Frothing Mug. Something that would really lay out what the cult is all about.  The party agreed, and the clerics then left them be. 

At nightfall, Ranzel met the militia in the trees overlooking the liveryman's house; the party suspected the cult might still try a kidnapping. The rest of them headed for the eastern edge of town, and there were soon met by a group from the temple: the two clerics, 5 ruffians and Derek of the the nasty scar.  They entered the battered building, and Derek led the party down into the cellar. First impression was of a swampy, sickening odor. And then all hell broke loose. Someone from upstairs tossed down a rock with silence cast on it, and and then Derek moved to attack the party. Skeef turned his dire wolf on their attacker, and the party retreated upstairs. They found the ruined inn empty, and swiftly moved out into then street. There they were engaged by the clerics and ruffians, who were in position a short ways down the road. Spells were slung and swords swung, and then the party was surprised from behind by Derek and a trio of troglodytes. This put them in a very tight spot; Skeef had to climb to the inn roof to save himself, and Solcha fell bleeding and unconscious.  

At around this time, Ranzel arrived on high-speed horseback and charged into the clerics, who were holding back from the melee. Even though the ranger ended up blinded for his efforts, this helped turn the tide. After a bit more fierce fighting, three troglodytes and three ruffians were dead, Derek had turned into gaseous form and drifted off, Abramo the cleric had fled on foot, and Misha was under a charm. And the militia finally arrived to take custody of the surviving ruffians.  So then then all proceeded towards the reeves house to turn over the prisoners and question Misha ...


3 Troglodytes
3 Ruffians
Misha of Berei(?) [Captured]

Dire wolf 
Solcha (almost) 
Ranzel's Vision  

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Gygax & Greyhawk Session #18 - You're Now Part of the Team


Ranzel of the Wood (Human Ranger 3)
Solcha (Elf Fighter 3 / Magic User 2)
Skeef Hawkridge (Half Elf Druid 3/ Thief 2)
Goro (Half Orc Cleric 3 / Fighter 2)
Wealsun 15 evening to Wealsun 16 mid-day 

Instead of turning in for the night, the party plans a little more skullduggery. Skeef settles in to watch for the elves, hoping to figure out what they do on their nightly rounds. He does see them leave and head east through the trees and bushes; but even with Ranzel's help, the party is unable to track them past the edge of the mill stream.  They then decide to check out the now deserted general store, but after sneaking in, find nothing suspicious apart from a pair of loaded and ready crossbows hidden behind the counter and curtain. Another pass of detect evil around town also reveals the jewelers establishment, once 'hot', now shows no sign of evil intensions inside. 

Now heading back top their lodgings, they make a quick decision to check out the other 'evil' establishment, the Golden  Grain Inn. It seems deserted of custom, but a faint light glows in the window. So they barge in, surprising a cluster of four men standing at the bar, conferring by candlelight. One is obviously the barkeep, another a local farmer, while the other two are hard looking men in leather armor, and armed with swords. One of them, with a long scar running down the right side of his face, looks particularly vicious. Once over the surprise, the barkeep greets them and goes to get them drinks, into which Solcha notes he drops something. Suspecting poison, none of the party drinks except Skeef, who has a small sip and immediately feels a bit woozy and unsteady. Meanwhile, Ranzel slowly dumps his ale on the floor in provocation, then hurls the empty mug at one of the men at the bar. Then all hell breaks loose until Skeef is able to charm the barkeep and Goro holds the two men in armor, the farmer simply fleeing behind the bar. 

Skeef now convinces his newfound friend Bertrem the Barkeep that they are all members of the same cult. The party learns an evil cult is kidnapping townsfolk and bringing them to a dungeon in the Troll Fens where the person/creature they worship named Explictica Defilus dwells. There the folk are brought  before Explictica to be judged whether they've worthy of joining the cult, or become food for the dungeon dwellers. Those judged worthy are returned to the town, somewhat changed. The party convinces Bertrem to let them join the kidnapping the next night, that of the stableman and his family. This will be lead by the clerics of the Temple of not-Berei, who will talk their way into the home, followed by a sudden onrush from Derek (the scarred man) and his fellow heavies. The family will then be brought to the dungeon the next night after being held at the temple for the day. 

The party decides to relocate to the Golden Grain Inn, and are escorted to the Slumbering Serpent by Derek and Wylie (the other armed man) to get their things then back to a room at their new inn. The party, being suspicious, keeps watch all night. Solcha note sounds behind the back wall during her watch, and finds a secret door there, openable only from the other side. But nothing comes of it, and morning arrives without incident. 

After breakfasting, the party heads back into the streets. They approach the miller, but are rebuffed by the suspicious man. They make their way to the elves, and after establishing their bona fides, start to compare notes. Dorian and Llywillan have identified many of the same cult members as the party, spending their nights watching either the temple or the inn watching who comes and goes. While willing to share information, the elves are not willing to join the party in their activities, preferring to keep to themselves in case the party is caught. At least then there will still be someone looking into the cult. 


