Ranzel of the Wood (Human Ranger 6)
Solcha (Elf Fighter 5 / Magic User 5) w/ henchman Usborn (Gnome Fighter 2/Illusionist 1)
Skeef Hawkridge (Half Elf Druid 6/ Thief 6)
Goro (Half Orc Cleric 4 / Fighter 5)
Skeef Hawkridge (Half Elf Druid 6/ Thief 6)
Goro (Half Orc Cleric 4 / Fighter 5)
Sunsebb 2 (afternoon) to Sunsebb 3 (morning)
As the party tired to decide the best way across the open water, Ranzel tossed some dried meat in the water. And was rewarded with a thrashing about in the water as something large gulped the offered food. Uncertain of the rowboat and what lay beneath the surface, they decided to send just Ranzel and Solcha across first, with a rope tied to the stern in case they had to be dragged back. About halfway across the voyage was interrupted when a scrag, an aquatic troll, bust out of the water at the rowboat. There was a short fight where Ranzel was nearly dragged into the water by the attacking beast, but the scrag was suitably hacked to bits and the crossing was completed by all the party with no further interruptions.
A little further along the trail, they observed a human figure in the midst of some trees. It was acting strangely, bouncing about an waving to get their attention. But it seemed to draw back as the party approached too close. When they did enter the thicket, they realized the figure was actually a lure, attached to a huge mawed beast that burst from a boggy hole. And was summarily dispatched by the two-handed sword wielding duo of Ranzel and Goro.
Continuing along the LRRSS directions, they party eventually comes to a dead end, where the trail ended at a copse of willows. A cluster of larger dead trees lay at the far end, and close investigation showed one to be split right down the middle and filled with inky blackness. Above the opening was a curious silver sigil. They tired various things to uncover the voids' secret, but it then it it simply required touching the sigil. A bell rang from the depths of the darkness, the void disappeared and a burst of light came forth. Taking their chance, the party passed through and found themselves in a quaint, if over-color saturated meadow. At the far end at the edge of a wood was a small manse with smoke rising from the chimney, while over head they were treated to a view of the depths of the cosmos.
At the mase, they were met by the sage Emas Mere, who settled them in his gothic study (and made them fresh rolls) and proceeded to answer their inquires about Avernus and what they may expect from their travel to the Hells ...
1 scrag (aquatic troll)
1 swamp angler
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