Sunday, February 9, 2025

Gygax and Greyhawk Session #45 - Sage Swampcrawl


Ranzel of the Wood (Human Ranger 6) 
Solcha (Elf Fighter 5 / Magic User 5) w/ henchman Usborn (Gnome Fighter 2/Illusionist 1)
Skeef Hawkridge (Half Elf Druid 6/ Thief 6) 
Goro (Half Orc Cleric 4 / Fighter 5) 

Patchwall 23 (morning) to Sunsebb 2 (afternoon)

The party spent the next month in Nevond Nevnend counting their treasure, training, spending gold, and scribing spells. All in preparation for their forthcoming expedition to Avernus, the first layer of Hell. But first they needed a little more information. While the temple of Heironeous could offer advice of a more general nature, the party had some specific questions to ask. Inquiring about to town, they learned the best source of such information was the reclusive sage Emas Mere, a specialist in the inner and outer planes, and especially the lower planes. He was not to be found in the city though, choosing to dwell in a dismal marsh a short distance south of the city and on the right bank of the Zumker River. Though it is unclear exactly where in the marsh he dwells, they being directed to a cave, hut or grove of trees by various sources. 

Hauling themselves out into a cold and blustery day, the party heads south and finds a local riverman to give them passage across the water. There they are dropped at a dilapidated dock and follow a faint trail away from the river. As the trail branches and twists through the fens, they encounter a recently occupied cave formed of huge boulders, a dead body facedown in the muck, and some strange swamp gas bubbles.  There was also a crazed man by the name of Yordolin, holed up in a rickety reed hut on slits. While they first suspected he was the sage, it was soon obvious he was mad, raving about the 'knowledge' written in the plaster of the hut walls; a mass of the same nonsensical letters 'LRRSS'. The party guessed this may be directions, and headed out to the left, right etc. Which lead first to a bush of screaming berries, and then a dilapidated rowboat on the edge of a wide channel ...

12 sp
gem [75gp]



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