Friday, June 21, 2024

Gygax & Greyhawk Session #24 - Back to the Dungeon


Ranzel of the Wood (Human Ranger 4)
Solcha (Elf Fighter 4 / Magic User 3)
Skeef Hawkridge (Half Elf Druid 4/ Thief 3) 
Goro (Half Orc Cleric 4 / Fighter 3)

Reaping 13 morning to Reaping 17 late afternoon 

Before leaving Oxton, the party visits the sage Pharnabazus as they'd left the mysterious horn with him to identify. Unfortunately, they learn that it is an essentially worthless and useless horn of bubbles, product of the trickster Jester Mage, Xthilius . They also ask about the grey toad seal from the evil priests scroll. Pharnabazus easily identifies it as the mark of Wastri, the Hopping Prophet. He is a minor demigod who favors humankind and amphibian life, and has a great hatred for demi-humans. What it signifies he cannot say as the cult of Wastri has not been previously know in the lands of the Tenha.

Arriving in Orlane, the party does a detect evil recon of the village to confirm that no trace of the cult remains. They learn that while the first few weeks after the party had slain the naga were awkward and uncomfortable on the town, formerly charmed cult members and the rest of the townsfolk have mended broken bridges and started to move on. Several of the former cult have disappeared and not returned, including the sinister Derek and the constables former companions. 

Proceeding  the next day back the naga's dungeon, the party begins a systematic search for bypassed treasure. They deal with a troll who has been gathering the half-rotted remains of the slain cult members. Further encounters with green slime and poisonous snakes likewise interrupt their searching. A druidic conversation with the crocodiles reveal little useful information, though the party does learn of a boat they can use to more easily cross the muddy waters of the chamber. They find no treasure until they enter the lair of a pair of harpies. Skeef, Goro and Ranzel are all charmed at various points (and Ranzel is also immobilized in some deep mud, lured their by the bird-ladies song), but in the end the party slays both. Looting the harpy lair recovers a small collection of jewelry, both mundane and magical.  

Figuring they have found all there is of interest on the top level, the party now proceeds back to the muddier depths ... 

Various jewelry [250gp, 100gp, 100gp, 90gp, 75gp, 50gp, 50gp]
Necklace of Adaptation 

1 Troll
1 Green Slime
1 Poisonous Snake
2 Harpies 


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