Friday, June 14, 2024

Gygax & Greyhawk Session #23 - Death and Nagas


Ranzel of the Wood (Human Ranger 3)
Solcha (Elf Fighter 3 / Magic User 2)
Skeef Hawkridge (Half Elf Druid 3/ Thief 2) 
Goro (Half Orc Cleric 3 / Fighter 2)

Wealsun 25 evening to Reaping 13 morning

Explictica Defilus is slow to turn and face the threat behind her, not expecting anyone to approach from the secret door but her high priest. Taking advantage of the surprise, Solcha and Ranzel start charging at the naga, while Skeef and Goro hold back and begin casting spells. Just as the charge connects and the spells go off, the naga responds with a spell of here own. Skeef finds himself stuck in a sticky web, and Goro is trapped on the wrong side of it, away from his companions. The purple glow of faerie fire leaps from the snake like form as Solcha and Ranzel hack at her, and Goro burns the web (and Skeef) to clear a path. The naga turns her gaze on Ranzel, charming the ranger, who then attempts to keep both sets of his friends separate and generally getting in everyone's way. The naga swiftly bites Solcha, poisoning the elf , who falls dead. Goro charges in to lay about with his blade, and Skeef rushes forward to cast neutralize poison on his fallen comrade. And then the naga release a fireball, and both Skeef (and his critters) and Solcha fall to the blast. But getting caught in the flames also releases Ranzel from his charm. He raises his sword, and the ranger finishes the serpent-thing with a mighty chop. 

Skeef's wounds are bound, and he regains consciousness in a short time. There is nothing that can be done immediately for Solcha, so her remains are respectfully wrapped to be carried out of the dungeon and hopefully to a cleric for raising. The remainder of the party gathers the loot, rescues the captives, and scoops up the leftover silver pieces from the first treasure hoard. And then make their way back to Orlane, arriving just as dusk begins to fall. They make their way directly to Ramne's grove, but notice along the way there are actually people on the streets of Orlane and life seems to be just a little more normal. Ramne confirms their observation, noting that whatever the party has done, it appears the curse on the town is lifted. They confirm this with visits to the Slumbering Serpent Inn and the reeve Zakarias (who has his own charm lifted by the death of Solcha, and is none to happy with his previous enscollment) 

The party does not linger in Orlane, but escorts the formerly captive merchant and his wife back to Oxton. There they pool their gold to raise Solcha, and decide to sell to bag of holding to a reveling Richfest dandy. This allows them to train and pay off debts, and prepare for a return to the dungeons of the naga to see what treasures and evils they may have overlooked ... 

Jeweled bracelet [400gp]
Ruby [800gp]
Bag of Holding
Boots of Elvenkind
Horn of ??
Ring of Protection +1
Ring of Free Action
Potion of Gaseous Form
Potion of Invisibility
Potionof Clairvoyance
2 Potion of Healing
Philter of Love  

Explictica Defilus aka the Naga

Solcha (Twice)
Skeef (Once) 
Racoon and Rat 

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