Ranzel of the Wood (Human Ranger 6)
Solcha (Elf Fighter 5 / Magic User 5) w/ henchman Usborn (Gnome Fighter 2/Illusionist 2)
Skeef Hawkridge (Half Elf Druid 6/ Thief 6)
Goro (Half Orc Cleric 4 / Fighter 5)
Skeef Hawkridge (Half Elf Druid 6/ Thief 6)
Goro (Half Orc Cleric 4 / Fighter 5)
Sunsebb 3 (morning) to Sunsebb 11 (morning)
The party leaves Nevond Nevnend in a blustery snowstorm, and their route to Oxton over the next 4 days is buffeted by snow and cold all the way. Even through the weather is fit for neither man nor monster, they run into a pair of hungry trolls and a somewhat hostile mounted patrol out of Oxton. The patrol, they learn, is looking for bandits, giants and other foul things that creep out of the mountains when the winters snow starts to fall.
Arriving in Oxton, they settle in to their favorite inn for the night. Next morning they first visit the sage Pharnabazus to ask about the Hellgate and the nepenthe flowers that grow along the River Styx and River Lethe in the Hells. They learn little new about the Hellgate, but the sage does give them a lengthy lecture on nepenthe and ways to turns the blossoms into syrup, which will relieve exhaustion and permit sleep in the agonies of the Hells.
They spend the rest of the day in the Hellgate tavern, casing the joint and deciding how to open the gate without too much fuss and destruction. Noting the slip-shod working currenting holding up the roof in place of the missing keystone, they use the gnome Usborn as a front and offer to repair the stone in return for drink and lodging. This offer is accepted, and the party gets to work in the early hours of the morning, once the patrons are passed out in drunken stupors and the landlord and staff have retired. They place the gate keystone, and suddenly there appears a view of a blasted and barren wasteland. They party passes through to this unwelcoming land, leaving Usborn behind to cover their tracks and help them back through the gate should that becomes necessary.
On the other side, they first feel a dull throb and vibration through their bodies, a slow and continuous agony that dulls the senses and drags their motions. Standing atop a crag of rock, around them they see a wasteland of drifted ash, deep canyons and distant blasted mountain. Occasional pallid fireballs burst across the landscape, and the sky is a ashen grey. On the crag with them are four gates, one of which holds their pulsing red keystone. Which they immediately remove to close their gate. They notice now a group of five creatures just a short distance down the slope; devilish-dragonish in appearance, the five are tearing apart a human body. One, wearing the corpses' scalp as a toupee, approaches. In a telepathic whisper, it offers to give them an augury by reading the fallen man's entrails (which the beast holds in its hands) in return for respite. The party agrees, handing over a single wafer, at which the creatures laughs and then gives a vague prediction of success in their endeavors. He and his companions then fly off.
With no clear idea of where they are going, and there being no signs of any destinations, the party heads off to skirt the canyon edges and see what they may encounter. At one point they avoid a rockfall that nearly drops them to the distant canyon floor. After untold and unknown hours of travel, they come around a pile of rubble. On the opposite side, near the top, crouches a strange creature. The size and appearance of a huge wolf, but with a prehensile reptilian tail, the thing speak telepathically to them. It questions them, asking who they are and why they travel the Chromatic Dragon's realm. After some bluff and hesitation, they party simply tells him the truth; they are looking for the Herald of Hextor, the pit fiend Chamazi. The creature, whom the party now learn is Amducias, Duke of Hell in the service of Tiamat, considers their story for a moment before chuckling and making a comment about 'a little more chaos is good'. He directs them to the Sundered Tower of Astaroth; if the Herald is on Avernus, he will likely head there. The Arch-Fiend's senses cannot penetrate the magic of Astaroth's tower, and Asmodeus would unlikely be displeased to learn of machinations by Hextor among his underlings. When asked for directions, Amdusica once more laughs and says something about it not being his job to guide wandering Primes lost in Hell, before turning away and leaving the party to its own devices.
Unable rest and still lost, they party moves on. After another wearying and numbing trek, they enter a wide plain scattered with vast cemeteries of unknown origin. Thankfully nothing emerges from the grave to confront them, and they soon see off in the distance a caravan of some sort. They move to intercept, and find two rakshasa leading a half dozen stench kine loaded with gear, one of which is also pulling a palanquin. The two tiger headed humanoids eye the party warily, and one goes to the palanquin and and assist the passenger to emerge; a much more richly dressed rakshasa who introduces himself as Emir Takasha. The party learns they are traders, and Takasha offers they party opportunities to trade from his extensive selection of goods. The party takes advantage of this, acquiring unspoiled (and un-spoilable) food and drink, as well as some respite in the form of honey cake. When asked of the Sundered Tower, the Emir nods and says he knows of the place. He offers a contest; if a champion of the party can subdue one of his guards (non-lethal and non-thaumaturgic of course), they may join his caravan and journey with them to the tower. If they fail, one of the party will become his slave. The party warily agrees, a contract is made, and Goro steps forward to fight one of the rakshasa sentinels. It does not go well for the half-orc, as the sentinel is unnaturally fast and almost impossible to hit, whereas Goro is struck by claw and bite multiple times. Getting frustrated, he throws down his weapon and throws himself at the rakshasa, successfully grappling the creature. The rest of the party now raises a legal point; the sentinel has been subdued. The Emir grins wickedly and accepts the ruling, inviting the party to join them on their journey across the broken wilds ...
1 troll
1 rakshasa [subdued]