Ranzel of the Wood (Human Ranger 5)
Solcha (Elf Fighter 5 / Magic User 4)
Skeef Hawkridge (Half Elf Druid 5/ Thief 5) w/ henchman Caron (Half Elf MU1)
Goro (Half Orc Cleric 4 / Fighter 5)
Skeef Hawkridge (Half Elf Druid 5/ Thief 5) w/ henchman Caron (Half Elf MU1)
Goro (Half Orc Cleric 4 / Fighter 5)
Patchwall 18 (mid-morning) to Patchwall 18 (noon)
The party starts to spread out, with Solcha and Caron swiftly crossing the cavern to get a good view into the passage beyond. And there they see a large black dragon stirring from it's rest. Solcha shouts a warning to the rest of the party, and then feels Caron exciting tapping her on the back: 'mistress, let me speak to it". Somewhat perplexed, she waves the magic-user ahead of her. Caron starts to speak to the wyrm in some unknown language. At first things seem to go well, but suddenly the dragon raises it's head and spits a stream of acrid acid across the cavern. This catches the unfortunate hireling, as well as Goro, getting into a charge position behind him. Caron is utterly destroyed, but luckily the cleric is made of sterner stuff. Goro and Ranzel charge in, swords swinging, while Solcha fires arrows aver their heads and Skeef summons some segmented ant-aid. The dragon releases another breath, this time catching Ranzel. But the cleric and ranger, pumped up on potions of giant strength and heroism, eventually batter past it's scaly hide, while Solcha delivers the coup-de-grace with an arrow between the beasts eyes.
Taking advantage of their potion-pumped state, the party rushes about in anticipation of more trouble. A search of the dragon cave uncovers the skeletal remains of a second dragon(!), a neatly piled stack of chests and crates, as well as the remnants of a recent meal of horse flesh. Rushing to the side chamber from which the warning horn was heard, they find a small sparsely furnished bedchamber and a foul midden pit. but no occupants. Lastly, a search to the south brings them to face to face with another pair of spriggen, standing guard over a bedraggled group of dwarves. The spriggen are cut down swiftly, and the rescued dwarves (led by Akbad) are glad to answer the party's questions. They had been captured about a month ago by the spriggens and brought here to dig out the collapsed stairway that could be seen behind them. The work was being directed by a devilish looking fellow by the name of Madok, who is looking for a lost wizard laboratory. In fact, the dwarves were just about to break into the entrance to the lab when the party arrived and raised a havoc. But they have no idea where Madok could be found; he comes and goes on an irregular basis.
Solcha, using the last of her giant strength, cleared the last of the rubble. This reveals a landing on the stairs with a set of double doors, much battered but still intact. While Razke heads back down into the cavern to direct the dwarves to build a defensive wall, and Goro remained on guard on the stairs, Solcha and Skeef enter the doors. These lead into an entrance hall and then a large, half collapsed circular room painted with frescos of the Kutkuri noble clan and their crossed staves and horn. The pair head for a door on the opposite side of the chamber., but as they open it, are attacked from behind by a shadowy demon. Goro and Ranzel eventually arrive to assist, and the creature is slain ...
4 arrows +1 [from session #42]
Caron's spellbook
Xilital the Black Dragon
2 Spriggen
1 shadow demon
Caron (dissolved by dragon acid)
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