Saturday, May 25, 2024

Gygax & Greyhawk Session #21 - Of Trogs and Guards


Solcha (Elf Fighter 3 / Magic User 2)
Skeef Hawkridge (Half Elf Druid 3/ Thief 2)
Goro (Half Orc Cleric 3 / Fighter 2)
Balthus (Human Fighter 2) and his War Dog 

Wealsun 25 mid afternoon to Wealsun 25 late afternoon 

Leaving Ranzel to temporarily keep an eye on their captive, the party moves on in their search for Explictica Defilus. Their path leads them inexorably to the east, to the area they suspect houses the rest of the human guards. Sneaking in as best they can, they burst in on one group of guards and kill them all. This raises a hue and cry from a second group, who are likewise slaughtered. And a third quartet was roused from sleep only when multiple batterings are required to open the moisture swollen door to their room. These four are slain, and all the bodies locked into a single room to hide them from easy discovery. As they are doing so, the party is surprised by a giant weasel, attracted by the sounds of slaying, whom Skeef charms and speaks into friendship. The beast knows nothing of the naga, but tells the party a group of troglodyte's dwell near its lair to the south west. Surmising where there are trogs, there may be Explicitica, the party has the weasel lead them that way. 

To reach the other end of the dungeon, the party traverses a water filled cavern, using a few doors as rafts. They are lucky to avoid the smiling jaws of the three crocodiles that call the water home. After a short detour to the weasel's watery cave, their new furry friend leads them to the troglodytes. Before moving further, everyone in the party seals their nostrils with candle wax in hopes of avoiding the creatures stench. Bursting in through a door, the party surprises and slays the two trogs behind it before they can raise an alarm. They then lure in the rest and slaughter them in pairs, with little hurt to the party except for Balthus' war dog and the weasel. 

Looting the bodies, they press on and find stairs going down. Which they go down. These lead to a labyrinth of mud filled passages which takes much time and mapping but nothing else to show as yet ...


12 guards
8 troglodyte


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