Saturday, February 17, 2024

Gygax & Greyhawk Session #10 - Captives and Culprits


Ranzel of the Wood (Human Ranger 1)
Solcha (Elf Fighter 1 / Magic User 1)
Skeff Hawkridge (Half Elf Druid 1 / Thief 1)
Goro (Half Orc Cleric 1 / Fighter 1)
Balthus (Human Fighter 1) and his wardog Slasher
Jenny the Mule 

[Pinella (Human Magic User ?)]
[Paxon (Human Cleric ?)]

Planting 18 - morning to Planting 19 mid-day

The party leaves Vestvale and climbs once more into the mountains. An uneventful day and night bring them back to the tomb. Before delving deeper, they opt to place Jenny and the cart in an isolated room. On their way, they interrupt three kuo-toa, who are tearing  limbs from the men slain by the party days ago. Though the ichthyoids make no threatening moves, the party attack  to avoid leaving any foes in their rear. Two are killed, and one captured. The captive speaks no language common to the party, but rather than kill him they shackle the creature to the wall in the flooded room. Jenny is also locked in the adjacent hallway before the party makes its way through the thus far unexplored door exiting the west wall of the flooded room. 

Goro and Skeff, listening at the door, hear a frightened female voice and a gruff male one. Bursting in the room, the party discovers a young woman, bound and unclothed on a crude bed, about to ravished by her disfigured and ugly jailer.  The party rushes the man and knocks him out. Questioned, he is uncooperative, and after first shackling him in the flooded room, Balthus eventually has Slasher rip this throat out. The woman's name is Pinella, a magic user captured by Dark Odo's henchmen. She states the other surviving member of her party, Paxon of St Cuthbert, is in the adjacent cells. She has no equipment or spell book, but provided with clothing and a dagger she joins the party. The room is otherwise unexceptional except for the jailers gear and a bell rope hanging over the cot. 

Entering the cellblock, they find Paxon and learn it is almost time for the evening meal to be delivered. The party sets an ambush, and kills Erig the fighting man as he comes in with the captive's paltry supper. Recovering and equipping Paxon, the party pushes on down a corridor hidden by secret doors, and then into another room with multiple doors leading off of it. There they surprise the gnome Trob the Black sitting at a table. The gnome call's out for Dark Odo before the party can cut him down.  Half the party rushes through a door the gnome had called out to, while the rest set up defenses in the main room. In the side room they do not encounter Dark Odo, but the female fighter Runas. She holds them off long enough to escape through another door. Meanwhile, in the main room, the party is attacked when  the cleric Mudras of Nerull, and the thief Orwen emerge from two other rooms. There are tense moments when the cleric of the dead god starts casting spells, but in short order the two are dead and the party if left to decide what to do next ...

14 ep

2 Kuo-Toa (1 Surrendered)
Foul-Faced Viviok
Trob the Black
Mundras of Nerull
Orwen the Thief


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