Sunday, December 22, 2024

Gygax and Greyhawk Session #41 - Birds and the Bowels of the Earth


Ranzel of the Wood (Human Ranger 5) 
Solcha (Elf Fighter 5 / Magic User 4) w/ henchman Usborn (Gnome Fighter 2/Illusionist 1)
Skeef Hawkridge (Half Elf Druid 5/ Thief 5) w/ henchman Caron (Half Elf  MU1)
Goro (Half Orc Cleric 4 / Fighter 5) w/ henchman Koreyth the Master (Human Fighter 1) 

Patchwall 15 (mid-day) - Patchwall 15 (night)

The room proves to have once been a laboratory or wizards workshop. But nothing of interest remains, as it shows signs of having recently been searched and smashed. Sometime within the last month by a pair of humanoids, one small and one human-sized, according to Ranzels' read of the tracks in the dust. Moving on to the room on the opposite side of the  stairs, the party once more finds signs of a recent search of this a parlor or study. Papers are strewn about, most of which are the day to day minutia of managing a castle. But they do learn some useful info. First, there is enough to tell them that the castle had once belonged to a cadet branch of the atamans of Kutkuri, who over time fell from nobility into dark and sorcerous ways.  Second, amid the paper is reference to a secret entrance, somewhere outside the bounds of the castle itself. 

Filing this information for future use, the party heads to the uppermost floor of the keep. On one side they find a pair of small rooms with gapping holes in the walls and the wind whistling in; obvious battle damage from the fall of the castle 70 years before. To the other side is a room filled with bloodhawks, several of whom attack Ranzel as he opens the door, before Skeef charms and speaks with them. He learns not only that the raptors collect 'shiny rocks', but that they also see all from their keep-top lair. The hawks tell Skeef they sometime see a 'man-thing' take a large creature (sounds like a horse of similar) out behind the ruined castle. And after being gone for a while, just the man comes back. Filing that information away as hints to the secret entrance, the party leaves the birds in peace (but return that evening to loot their gems after the hawks have flown off on their nightly hunt.) 

The party descends to the ruined courtyard, heading to the western half of the ruins. As they enter however, they see a man leading a horse across the open space, and out through the gap in the north wall. Skeef, accepting an invisibility spell from Solcha, follows silently and unseen. The man follows a trail down the rugged rear of the hill, and disappears into the brush. When Skeef gets there, all he sees is a hole in the ground. Overhanding it from the branch of a large oak is a block and tackle, equipped with  a harness for holding a large animal. Skeef climbs down the hole, follows a narrow passage and climbs down several other ledges (each with a block and tackle) before coming to a larger chamber. Here he sees two small dwarf-like creatures; one obvious on guard ahead and the other in a separate chamber an the right. Scouting past the guard, Skeef finds another decent into a much larger chamber. He sees little, but hears the sounds of digging and stone breaking in the distance. 

Returning, the druid reports to the rest of the party. As a group, they decide to check out the rest of the above ground ruins and then return to camp for the night before taking their chances below. They fight another pair of gargoyles and loot some treasure before heading back to rest and recover. 

10 gems (200gp, 50gp, 8x10gp)
Silver key

2 bloodhawks [captured]
2 gargoyles 


Saturday, December 14, 2024

Gygax and Greyhawk Session #40 - Getting Down and Up


Ranzel of the Wood (Human Ranger 5) 
Solcha (Elf Fighter 5 / Magic User 4) w/ henchman Usborn (Gnome Fighter 2/Illusionist 1)
Skeef Hawkridge (Half Elf Druid 5/ Thief 5) w/ henchman Caron (Half Elf  MU1)
Goro (Half Orc Cleric 4 / Fighter 5) w/ henchman Koreyth the Master (Human Fighter 1) 

Patchwall 15 (morning) - Patchwall 15 (mid-day)

Approaching the ruins once more, Skeef speaks to a little sparrow, pumping it for information on the spined devils and where they may have come from. The bird is a bit vague, unsure of the difference between the gargoyles and the devils, but it suggests the devils came from somewhere near the ruins, but not in the ruins. The bird was also unable to find any obvious holes in the ground when Skeef sent it on a recce flight around the hill.   

Heading into the ruins, the party briefly flirts with the idea of exploring the square keep, but instead opt to hit the cellars and the magically locked door. First they have to get past the two guardian statues at the top of the stairs, for the one they'd destroyed a week ago was now back on its base. Once more they destroy a statue (losing Skeef's new rat in the process) and climb over it's base. Proceeding deeper, they knock the dance macabre door, and descend a narrow and winding staircase fill of old orc skeletons. This ends in another door, which Goro has difficultly opening. And when he does, it opens into a crypt filled with undead, waiting at the door and crowding all the room behind. A few attempts at turning and outwitting proved fruitless, and rather than fight an undead Gotterdammerung, they decide to check the square keep after all.  

After first fighting another pair of guardian statues (and once more destroying one and sneaking over it's now unoccupied base) the party explores a reception hall overlooking by balconies above, as well as kitchen and dinning room. They find little of note, except a pair of crossed staves hanging over a large fireplace. They take a set of stairs up to the next level,  and check out the first room on the right. This appears to be a laboratory or alchemical workshop, but exploration is stymied by the 5 robbed figures scattered against the walls. These drift towards the party, who retreat into the corridor to take the undead menaces out one by one. While Goro is hit in the combat (and feels something very not right in his heart and belly), the 5 figures are dispatched, leaving the room now open for exploration ...


5 Huecuva


Sunday, December 1, 2024

Gygax and Greyhawk Session #39 - All Hell Breaks Loose


Solcha (Elf Fighter 5 / Magic User 4) w/ henchman Usborn (Gnome Fighter 2/Illusionist 1)
Skeef Hawkridge (Half Elf Druid 5/ Thief 5) w/ henchman Caron (Half Elf  MU1)
Goro (Half Orc Cleric 4 / Fighter 5) w/ henchman Koreyth the Master (Human Fighter 1) 

Patchwall 4 (morning) - Patchwall 15 (morning) 

While Ranzel and Koreyth continued to recover from their injuries, the party restocks supplies and the magic users share and  transcribe some spells. The party also decide to recruit yet another henchman to supplement their skills. In particular they wanted a dwarf or gnome for underground skills, and Solcha is successful in taking into her employment the stout and skillful she-gnome Usborn. Solcha also uses the downtime to cast her new find familiar spell and attracts a weasel to her service. Skeef meanwhile attracts to himself a rat and a skunk for companionship, and purchases three dogs to help guard their wagon/camp.  

Once the injured are recovered and all the animals procured, the party head back towards the ruined keep. On the last night of their journey, cold and chill, the party is attacked out of the falling darkness. A pair of flying humanoid creatures approaches them from the south-east. Thinking first they were gargoyles, once the shapes got closer it was obvious they were diabolic. The two winged creatures with military forks dove to attack, one literally throwing itself at Goro and impaling him on the spines along the creature back, which then burst into flame as they hit. That one was killed quickly, but the second takes longer, scaring off half the party before being pinned to the ground, literally and figuratively. The creature would not give up, even though immobilized by spikes through it's wings and Goro's weight, so the party dispatched the helpless devil. But were then surprised to see another, different devil gate into their presence.  This one proves tougher, and it was a very close fight as the barbed devil unleashes all it's innate powers against it's foes. But the party prevails, and as the fallen bodies burst into oily flame, wonder what they had now gotten themselves into. 


2 Spined Devil
1 Barbed Devil 
